Private Investigators in Las Vegas, Nevada

We’ve scoured Las Vegas for the best Private Investigators and narrowed it to 11 professionals.

Xotly is a business directory service that provides information on local businesses like Private Investigators. We know how hard it is to find someone who can understand your needs and wants, so we’ve created this site to connect people with Private Investigators nearby.

The following is a list of professional Las Vegas Private Investigators. These businesses have been vetted based on feedback and research from our experts.

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Top rated Private Investigators in Las Vegas, Nevada
Connecting People with the Best

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Top Rated Private Investigators in Las Vegas

De Becker Investigations

Private Investigators

De Becker Investigations focuses on high-stakes surveillance, and it engages in parental neglect investigation. They also handle complex services like undercover operations, providing information that could assist with a breach of contract suit filed by their clients against another individual or company who has wronged them financially. They also work on other cases that may involve sensitive private matters.

Address: Las Vegas, NV 89147

Elite Investigations

Private Investigators

Your best defense is a good offense. With Elite Investigations, you can take the lead in finding out what’s happening and why it matters with our private investigation services from Las Vegas. We provide all types of investigations for home and business–insurance fraud, spousal surveillance to missing person searches. We’ll even do pre-employment background checks if needed before new employees start working at their company.

Address: Las Vegas, NV 89123

Exclusive Investigations

Private Investigators

Exclusive Investigations is the go-to private investigator for those looking to take their experience up a notch. The agency offers top-notch services such as child custody and spousal infidelity surveillance, background checks on employees or clients (for violence), skip tracing, and GPS tracking. These guys provide fantastic work, but it’s also done efficiently, unlike most other firms out there who make you wait weeks before getting a back response from them.

Address: Las Vegas, NV 89183

Exfed Investigations

Private Investigators

Exfed Investigations is the go-to private investigative agency for those looking to resolve domestic and abroad issues. The founder is a former federal law enforcement agent who has decades of experience with federal law enforcement. He puts towards helping clients who need assistance around any problem–from surveillance on your home or office building. Services offered include background checks as well civil litigation support when needed.

Address: Las Vegas, NV 89128

Forensic Cyber Investigations

Private Investigators

Whether you’re a victim of a crime or need help with your computer, Forensic Cyber Investigations can uncover the truth. This company has all the qualifications necessary to provide testimony in federal courts. They specialize in cell phone forensics and social media tracking – finding out where someone was when they were supposed to be at work.

Address: Las Vegas, NV 89123

Las Vegas Detectives

Private Investigators

Las Vegas Detectives is committed to providing the best service possible for its clients. The agency has been part of this community since 1995, and it specializes in affairs investigations like yours – whether personal or professional related. There is an experienced team on hand who knows all about cheating spouses, workplace discipline issues/tool searches, etc. They can help you control your situation by catching them red-handed through discreet surveillance operations.

Address: Las Vegas, NV 89193

Lomprey Investigations

Private Investigators

Lomprey Investigations is a private investigation agency in Las Vegas that helps clients with fire litigation and subrogation matters. The tasks include examining exploded aircraft, marine vessels, automobiles, and real estate properties. This company caters primarily to insurance companies & legal professionals. Their founder was once a law enforcer who had earned his bachelor’s degree. He served during the MGM Grand Hotel disaster claims back when it happened decades ago (the 1980s).

Address: Las Vegas, NV 89121

Norton Consulting & Investigations

Private Investigators

Norton Consulting & Investigations is a premier private investigation agency that has been in operation since 2001. They provide services to clients throughout Nevada and Arizona, including deployment of technical surveillance countermeasures or GPS tracking systems when necessary, with their wide range of other offerings like executive protection (and more).

Address: Las Vegas, NV 89146

RVR & Associates Investigations

Private Investigators

RVR & Associates Investigations is one of the most seasoned private investigation agencies in Las Vegas, with an impressive track record. The agency has been operating for more than 30 years, and it performs a range of tasks from insurance claims investigations to trial preparation or even locate services.

Address: Las Vegas, NV 89032

True Investigations

Private Investigators

Instead of hiring a private investigator, you can work with True Investigations. The agency has trained and experienced operatives who can conduct even challenging tasks in settings where others would fail. They also perform various investigations like looking into infidelity or fraud rumors and finding missing persons. Their services won’t just help solve your problems but keep them from happening again by performing discreet surveillance on potential troublemakers.

Address: Las Vegas, NV 89123

Venus Investigations

Private Investigators

When someone goes missing, it can be challenging to find them. Venus Investigations has the experience and training necessary for solving even unusual and complex cases. The private detective agency helps individuals and families with their problems. Its team works closely in collaborative law firms building family court or civil lawsuits against criminals.

Address: Las Vegas, NV 89101

Best Private Investigators Near You

Top rated Private Investigators in Las Vegas, Nevada
Connecting People with the Best
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